Jul 10, 2019

Simulating Erosion on Procedurally Generated Terrain

tagged with geography modeling

Pythonic droplet based erosion - slow but effective

Creating procedural terrain from heghtmaps is easily done with classical noise generators and fractal noise, however making that terrain look realistic is often much harder. Depending on how many octaves you use, proceduarly generated terrain is either too smooth or too jagged to look realistic. Natural terrain has a combination of these features, with rocky mountains and flatter rolling plains. A leading cause of this is the natural erosion of the terrain over time, especially due to rivers and rainfall. By simulating thousands of rain droplets we can compute the movement of the water accross the land and erode and deposit sediment as the drop travels. This leads to realistic erosion patterns, especially in hilly regions, and realisitc valleys in between them. This project is largely a pythonic implementation of the hydraulic erosion algorithm described here.

A procedural heightmap before and after a 50,000 droplet simulation. Notice the defined ridges and gullies



These scripts require you to have numpy and scipy (pretty standard) but also require the 3D pipeline toolkit Mayavi.


Map Parameters

Rain Parameters

Movement Parameters

Erosion Parameters

Render Parameters

Map and Droplet Generation

In order to simulate terrain erosion we obviously first need terrain to erode. Any heightmap can be used, with these examples using 8-bit maps (0-255). This approach focuses on processing procedurally generated terrain, but another interesting application of this algorithm is to make hand-drawn heightmaps more lifelike. The procedural terrain comes from layered Perlin noise using a homemade noise script and the syntax:

fractal_noise = noise.Octave(resolution, num_of_octaves, major_grid_scale, falloff, seed)

After creating the terrain we create the droplets from a random list of $(x,y)$ positions on our board:

drops = np.random.rand(p_num_drops, 2)

And continue our calculations for every drop in our number of iterations p_num_drops. For each drop during each time step we store its current position pos_0 (a float); and its current cell on the map index_0 (an integer). In general the index is just the position rounded to the nearest integer.

Gradients and Movement

For each droplet we want it to move downhill across ou-r terrain, picking up and depositing sediment in a realistic manner. The first step is getting it moving downhill. We take the mathematical gradient of our terrain using:

uy, ux = np.gradient(ermap)
grad = np.array([uy[index_0], ux[index_0]])

then for each time step we move the droplet according to:

A k_momentum value of 1 means the droplet never changes beyond its initial velocity (often zero), and a value of 0 means the drop always moves directly downhill with no “memory”. After calculating the velocity we update the droplets position. However, we don’t want to move the droplet proportionally to its speed because a fast drop could then “skip over” cells, climbing impassable obstacles and not eroding the transversed terrain. So we’ll normalize the velocity when we add it to the position:

norm_vel = np.linalg.norm(vel)
pos_t = pos_0 + vel / norm_vel

The final step is to evaporate some of the drop after it has finished moving and eroding during a time step. This can be done with an evaporation rate or, in this case, by setting a movement cap such that:

Sediment Capacity

Every step the droplet takes one of two actions: either eroding sediment or depositing sediment. This decision depends on the current sediment level of the drop in comparison to the calculated carrying capacity. The controlling equation is:

where is the sediment_capacity_multiplier. This works well in steep areas. From we know that when moving downhill is negative so, along with our increase in speed, our carrying capacity goes up. However in flat terrain as the capacity also declines towards zero. Adding a clamp at a min_slope_capacity allows the drop to always hold at least a little sediment as it crosses flatter terrain:


When a drop moves to a new cell and has less sediment than its maximum capacity it will erode the terrain, taking sediment from its old cell as well as neighboring cells in a specified radius. How much sediment is eroded is proportional to a drops carrying capacity and how much sediment it is currently carrying:

Where is the the erosion rate. One improvement to add to this would be to allow to vary throughout the terrain, forming patches of harder or softer rock. This could lead to interesting natural features such as canyons and waterfalls. One thing to note is that we never want to erode more sediment than the of the drop, so we add:


Depositing sediment is easier than erosion. When the drop is has more sediment than its carrying capacity allows it will deposit a fraction of its sediment according to the equation:

Where is a constant corresponding the the rate. A rate of 1 means it drops all of its extra sediment in one time step. Since this implementation doesn’t have bilinear interpolation yet the sediment is simply deposited on the index position of the drop. Thats also why there are currently bumps on the surface–the deposition get dropped on the same node multiple times before it moves to a new cell.

Post Processing

The 3D rendering is handled by the Mayavi library although the eroded heightmap could easily be rendered by matplotlib. My next attempt will probably utilize a JavaScript approach to a 3D webapp. The only processing done pre-render is a slight blur from the scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter function. The main purpose of the blur is to smooth deposition errors.


As of 6/24/2019 the code is working but not pretty. Some aspects from the paper have been neglected, such as bilinear interpolation of the gradients and bilinear interpolation on sediment distribution. Instead (mostly due to lack of patience) I’ve opted for the easier solution of slightly blurring the erosion map after deposition.

The biggest changes coming for this project are to:

But mainly:

Setting up a drop as its own class would make tracking drop variables (water level, sediment level, carrying capacity, speed, position, etc.) easier and more intuative; and the movement, erosion, and deposition functions could be refactored as class methods. This opens up the possibility for selecitvely applying the methods (especailly the evaporation method) to introduce rivers and other water sources.

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