my name is

conner addison

and i’m melding creative vision with pragmatic problem solving.

Scripting time-warp effects with Warpify

Warpify provides a simple CLI to warp and save videos. Simply launch the application with python to get started. Alternatively, warpify also provides direct access to it’s inner functions for use in your own projects. A simple case could look like this: from warpify import SlitScan warp = SlitScan('path/to/file.avi') mask = warp.GenerateLinearMask(displacement=30, 'vertical') warp.Slice(mask) warp.Render('warped.avi', fps=60) Changelog: Warpify v0.9 is still in beta stages and the next update will have better error handling.

cinematography python

Simulating Erosion on Procedurally Generated Te...

Creating procedural terrain from heghtmaps is easily done with classical noise generators and fractal noise, however making that terrain look realistic is often much harder. Depending on how many octaves...

geography modeling

Cellular Automaton in the DOM and ECA local-lay

What is a cellular automaton? A cellular automaton (CA) is an evolving, “living” system that forms complex and repetetive behavior from a few simple rules. Basically the entire world of...

conway life

Random Noise Generation in Python with Numpy & ...

After failing to find a succient and readable Perlin noise algorithm in Python, I decided to create my own. This goes over the differences between Perlin noise and random noise,...

graphics vectorization

Exploring Julia Set Fractals and QtPy GUI's

This script generates a Tkinter GUI to preview and render Julia set fractals. Quadratic Julia sets are generated by the expression where c is a constant. Sets whose value of...

math fractals
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